
testimonial Quail Crest

I researched and visited six other memory care facilities prior to selecting Quail Crest. My criteria included care model, facility layout, options for my spouse’s particular needs, and staff/resident ratio, as well as staff stability and history. Quail Crest won out and we were fortunate enough to match up with Sunflower Cottage, whose staff have provided excellent and compassionate care. They have gone above and beyond to respond to Kathleen’s needs and have responded positively to all our requests. At present, I can enthusiastically recommend Quail Crest to those families seeking a memory care facility.

Phillip Hunt


testimonial Quail Crest

How can I adequately say ‘Thank You’ for the care you gave my mom during the past months. The love. The compassion. The kindness. Truly living up the term ‘care’ center.

Harold, Son of Resident

testimonial Quail Crest

After failing to thrive at another facility, we placed my mom here. Now my mom, despite her memory loss, is happy and socializing with her new best friend. The staff is professional and does a great job interacting with the residents.

Daughter of Resident

testimonial Quail Crest

“As painful and devastating as this disease is to our entire family, there is tremendous relief knowing that our dad is receiving the care he needs, the care that we as a family are unable to provide at home.”


Daughter of Resident

testimonial Quail Crest

“After failing to thrive at another facility, we placed my mom here. Now my mom, despite her memory loss, is happy and socializing with her new best friend. The staff is professional and does a great job interacting with the residents.”


Daughter of Resident